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Version: 4.0

Each template and instance contain items such as basic information, attribute, service, event and subscription.

Basic InformationModel name, aliases, parent templates, function sets, and details.

Alias must be unique under one namespace (APP or system).

AttributesModel features.
  • Attribute Info: Model features.
  • Alarm rules: Defines rules of alarm events relating to the current attribute. When an alarm is triggered, notifications will be sent to your mobile application.
ServicesSimple functions realized by writing Javascript scripts under Service.
  • Arrays in JS change to map when converting to JSON in the backend. When arrays exist in parameters or returned results:
    • Convert arrays to string.
    • Use Java.type(“java.util.ArrayList”) to convert.
  • Embedded services can be called in scripts. For detailed calling methods, see Embedded Service.
EventsEvents related to object attributes. For example, attribute value change event is triggered when the set attribute value changes.

You can create custom events through scripts under Subscription, Services or applications in Business Designer after defining events under Event.

SubscriptionsSubscribes from events, write JS scripts to meet complicated business requirements after triggering.
  • Subscribers should be created during modeling.
  • The same event can be subscribed by multiple subscribers.